Minute by Minute

Written by Tony Stith

One of my favorite music groups as a kid was the Doobie Brothers. One song of theirs I liked in particular was titled "Minute by Minute". I never really thought about what the song was about, I just liked the beat...Minute by Minute by Minute by Minute...I just keep holding on....

Many people don't really know how to live minute by minute do they? Although there is some merit in looking and planning for the future, many of us tend to spend too much of our time there. We're constantly looking ahead to the next big event, racing to and fro across the face of the earth, checking our watches and marking our calendars. Precious little time is spent enjoying the moment, being 100 percent in the present.

Even though it might be the byproduct of living in our frenzied, fast food society, I don't think it's a healthy one, and certainly not one conducive to personal or spiritual growth. In fact, I would guess that all of our rushing ahead to be somewhere else or to do something else must at times frustrate God.

In Psalms 46:10 He tells us to "Be still and know that I am God."

Being still is a tall order for a lot of us. But God wants us to more than just occasionally step out of our frenzied pace and focus on the here and now. He's saying, I have something I want to teach you right now, in this moment...so stop running around doing and planning all of these things you think are so important and be still...take the time to know me...to reflect on the creation I have made, to enjoy the family I have given you, and the relationship you have with Me. Be still and know that I am God. You can't very well do that if your constantly racing ahead at light speed.

So maybe we can take a life lesson from that Doobie brothers song...well, at least the chorus. It's the only part I remember anyway. Minute by Minute by Minute by Minute.....

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